Friday, October 31, 2014

Oregon Piloting a Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax

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Oregon is preparing to implement an alternative to the gas tax, namely by implementing a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) tax. Whereas a gas tax is based on the amount of gas bought at the pump, a VMT tax tracks distances individuals travel and charges a fee based on the resulting mileage. Starting July 1, 2015, 5,000 citizens can volunteer to join the program.

These volunteers have multiple ways to keep track of their distance traveled, including a GPS unit, odometer reading or daily diary. Volunteers will submit the information monthly to ODOT, who will use this information to bill the drivers at a price of $0.015/mile. Users will still pay the state's gas tax but will be refunded via rebate checks sent by ODOT.

Currently, ODOT is traveling through Oregon to discuss the project with potential volunteers. For more information, please go to

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