Thursday, June 25, 2015

Millennials want Multi-Modal Transportation

Pedestrians walking across the street in Old Town, Fort Collins
Photo Credit: Aaron Oalf - Flickr

The Millennial Generation includes those born between 1982 and 2003, representing the largest and most diverse generation in American history. This generation is looking beyond the personal automobile as the only option for mobility. According to a study by the American Public Transportation Association, nearly 70 percent of people age 18-to-34 use multiple travel options several times each week. Specifically, public transportation was considered “a game changing element because it closes the gap with the perceived benefit of auto use.”

Referenced by the article Helsinki, Finland has a goal that no resident would find it necessary to own a private car by 2025. This vision includes creating an on-demand mobility system that offers customers public and private transportation options to assemble the fastest or cheapest way of getting anywhere, anytime. The article concludes by stating: cities interested in attracting millennials need to provide a multitude of transportation options. 
For more information about millennial's transportation trends, read the article here: The Transportation Choices That Millennials Want by Bob Graves

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